+62 2177 8057 06 +62 852 1855 3006 info@sekolahrelawan.org
Institute for Volunteering Studies
Institute for Volunteering Studies

The first research and study institute in Indonesia focuses on the field of volunteerism. IVOS was formed with a creative youth spirit, research results are presented in a modern way, and is very open to collaborating with volunteer organizations in Indonesia. It is aligned with the IVOS identity of Youth, Creative, Modern, and Collaborative.

IVOS has many activities ranging from essay writing classes, sharing sessions with volunteer activists, and conducting surveys about the world of volunteerism to the publication of the book Collection of Scientific Essays "Volunteerism Practices in Indonesia".

Jalan Mandor Basir 1 no.167, RT.01/RW.08, Kelurahan Kukusan, Kecamatan Beji, Depok


+62 21 77805706

Copyright © Sekolah Relawan 2023