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Laporan implementasi program Sekolah Relawan

Cold Weather and Snowfall are Serious Problems for Turkiye's Survivors

21 Feb 2023

The cold weather and snowfall that covered Turkiye became another severe problem for the survivors. In these conditions, they have to live in temporary tents. Rescuers and volunteers are also struggling against the cold amidst the evacuation of victims who are still being rescued.  

Sekolah Relawan team arrived in Turkiye on Monday (2/13/23), greeted by a minus eleven degrees cold temperature. Wearing layers of jackets, the Sekolah Relawan team moved through the earthquake-affected city of Malatya.

When they arrived at the Malatya city emergency kitchen, the Sekolah Relawan team visited the camps. It turned out that some of them still did not have room heaters. As you can imagine, the survivors had to sleep and rest in tents in the cold weather, especially at night.

The rescuers and volunteers slept with thick jackets and blankets covering their bodies. This is how it is in Turkiye, whether seeing the collapsed buildings around us, or the survivors creating small fires outside their tents. We are all here feeling the same way.

Jalan Mandor Basir 1 no.167, RT.01/RW.08, Kelurahan Kukusan, Kecamatan Beji, Depok


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